Dating to Leveling Up

It took a little while before we finally went on our first date. I was going to take my niece to a haunted house on my day off so I decided I'd go out with him then and kill two birds with one stone. When he finally picked us up it was a bit late (he went the wrong way on E. Houston St.) so we decided to have dinner first. He took us to Bennigan's and that was my first time eating there. He said he enjoyed the fact that I wasn't afraid to eat in front of him. I just loved the chicken fried steak! We couldn't make it to the haunted house so we decided to see the Grudge at the movies. We had some time to kill and surprisingly he wanted his friends to meet me (on the first date!!!) They were really cool and let me play Halo 2 with them, after being worried about me snitching about it being downloaded before launch. I didn't care I just wanted to get in on some Halo 2 action! After we went to the movies he took me home and for the first time I just gave the poor guy a handshake at the end of the night! I was really nervous and I wanted to take it slow. I'm sure I left him wondering about that! ^^ Eventually I was little nicer but I still wasn’t sure what I wanted yet. I knew he was a bit younger, well 5 years if you want to be technical about it! He was very respectable and I really appreciated that about him, still I was too messed up to let anyone in yet.
Everything went pretty well but unfortunately the actual release of Halo 2 came up and I was hooked on that game for 2 weeks straight! He thought I wasn't interested but I was just too busy playing online with my buddies from work. When I was finally done playing one day, I felt like going out so I gave him a call. Go figure, it was the week of his 21st birthday so I had to take him out! I got to meet his crazy cousin Marcus and we went to see Disturbed (not sure exactly) at the White Rabbit. After that we dropped his cousin off and he drove me to his old neighborhood. We ended it up at some old west side bar and had a few shots there. By then I was feeling really good and decided we should check out a strip club since he just turned 21. We did just that and it was pretty crazy, then he took me back to his place. So much for taking it slow! ^^ I spent the night and he took me home in the morning. I felt bad because I knew I should have waited but when I drink I just go with the flow. I knew he wasn’t the type to just leave me hanging, although I would have left him hanging but he had a way with me that I wasn’t used to. I had to make sure things were completely over with my ex! We were always off and on. I had a passionate relationship with him but we already grew up and apart. I spent 10 years of my life with him and I knew it was going nowhere but I had to make sure. So I called him up asked him if he ever intended on getting back with me or even marrying me one day. “Nope” and “nope” was all he said. That was all I needed to hear.
Jesus and I started seeing each other more and more. We spent long nights on the phone and he would bring me lunch to work on his break. He was always coming all the way from Castroville just to spend time with me. He was really getting to me, telling me all these amazing things, making me feel pampered. He would always call me “his queen” and that my every wish was his desire. It was almost too good to be true! For Christmas he got me a gift, I was not expecting that at all! It was a box filled with rose petals, a card he printed himself and a red glass rose. I will never forget what he wrote on the card. “To me your beauty is like this glass rose, it will never fade or wilt."  I just couldn’t believe this guy was for real but he was. He took me to his place for New Years Eve and I spent it with him and his family. That night as the fireworks were popping around us he asked me if I wanted to go to the next level and be his woman. It took a lot of gentle persuasion on his part but I said yes. I knew he had strong feelings for me but I still didn’t let him in completely. I told him that I was too old for him and that my wicked past was too much for him but he didn’t care. I did, and it made our relationship very difficult. I was still partying a lot in those days and it got to the point that I was sick of it all. I told him I didn’t want to party anymore and for him to take me away. So he did just that. I started staying with him at his dad’s more and more. Until finally I ended up moved in completely!