Moving and Moving

We decided to let Jesus' best friend move in with us and that helped a bit. We stayed in our apartment for almost 2 years. We had lots of fun, Rock Band parties, and awesome birthday parties. Everything was cool until our roommate started messing with more than one chick and the drama was back. I blame myself mostly this time because I got too involved when I should have minded my business. I just can’t help it when I see my friends crying and upset. Finally Jesus and I decided it was time to move on and started looking into getting a house. On top of the roommate drama, my Jeep got stolen on my birthday and there was some crazy stuff that happened right outside of our apartment. We were hoping it would be a lot safer in a house. We decided to stay with Jesus grandparents until we got the house next door but that didn’t work out because the house was way too messed up for us to try to fix. Fortunately our good realtor friend from church talked us out of it. We didn’t want to stay too long at his grandparent’s house because Jesus grandfather didn’t want Shippo walking around the house. I can’t help that because Shippo is my shadow and wherever I go, he follows. So instead of overstaying our welcome, we tried looking for another apartment. Somehow we didn’t make enough to get into one close to the shop.
I was forced to make a difficult decision and that was to swallow my pride and go back to Jesus’ fathers. It was the third time we moved in one year but it was the toughest yet. I tried to keep my faith and as I drove the last of my belongings back, I cried all the way there. I didn’t understand why we couldn’t just have a place of our own already. Somewhere where I could hang my pictures, where I could unpack and never have to pack again. When I got there, KLOVE was playing on the clock radio in the room he gave us to stay in. I don’t remember exactly what verse she quoted or what she said but I know it was just to hold on. Things were going to get better as long as you don’t give up. That really helped me to get over all the drama, all the past grudges between Jesus, his dad and I. We tried our best to get along and it wasn’t as bad as before. We all had a better understanding of each other and we all knew it was only temporary. It was going great, Jesus and I were just glad to be able to be alone every once in a while when his father worked out of town.