Monday, September 27, 2010

Marital Bliss is Nice ;)

Enjoying the second night of my honeymoon! I had a blast at my wedding despite all the drama behind the scenes. It took a lot out of me but I just kept leaving everything to God and I know that kept me from having a complete melt down. I was in my own world and I want to stay there forever but I know I can't. I am again this week though! ^^ I really feel complete now only because knowing I made a covenant with Jesus and my Jesus, solidified every broken part of my being. I feel safe, secure, and most of all loved completely. I pray that everyone that was there are blessed because they saw a glimpse of God's amazing love! He has done so much for Jesus and I that I will follow Him completely. I am not afraid to say it or show it anymore. There is nothing wrong with this much happiness, this much love and I deserve it. To whoever reads this who needs to hear this: this happiness can and will happen to you if you would only let Him in! There is nothing wrong with yielding and submitting yourself. It will hurt a little at first only because all the things you insist on holding on to, all the things that you think are good for you and what you want, need to be stripped down from your very core. Like a house with too much paint and wallpaper; Jesus Christ will clean you up, remodel you like brand new, with God providing everything in abundance and the Holy Spirit as the perfect tool to get the job done. May God Bless you and keep you! Everything will get better, HE PROMISES! :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Today is the Day!

I'm still awake of course! My family really came through for me today and we accomplished so much in one day. I thank God for the wonderful people He has given me to help make our day so wonderful. As crazy as it started out, with me being clueless as to how to even begin to plan a wedding, I still managed to have just the right amount of everything at just the right time. This day is dedicated to God, my family and my friends. I know I worried occasionally and had little tiny panic attacks but I know I tried my best not to become a bridezilla!^^ I can't wait til tonite, we're gonna have a blast but I especially look forward to the honeymoon!!

Good Nite! :)

Stay Tuned for the pics!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away!!

Only 4 days left. What can I say but blah! It rained on Marlon and Merany's wedding but they were smart and had theirs INSIDE! It was soooo beautiful, I can only hope and pray that ours will be that wonderful. It's hard to stay positive when there is still lots to do and I am surrounded by meteoroligists. Little by little my ideas are being chipped away almost to the point where I don't care what happens anymore. I know what's important and that's all that matters. If it rains and no one shows up, I guess we'll have left over bbq til Thanksgiving. I have tents, a car port and a big porch, if that doesn't help I don't know what will!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Less Than 2 Weeks!!

I just finished writing my vows and I have to admit it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Then again, once I get in the mood to write, everything just comes pouring out. Tomorrow we're heading to the courthouse with Marlon and Merany to get our marriage licenses. I'm glad we're going together, I think it will take the edge off for all of us! I'm praying that it all goes well for us and we can finish up all the wedding planning. This is going to be a long week thats going to go by way too fast!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Just Breath!!

Today I mailed out more invitations but I still have a few more to send out. I'm so glad theyre done with, so far that was pretty rough. I just hope we have enough guests, enough food, and enough parking! I also got to talk to some awesome chicks about my cake. I think its going to look amazing! So far so good. I know I might not get everything I wanted in a wedding but I was told to "Just will all come together. Remember what matters most it that you and Jesus are finally getting married and making this special vow before God! The rest is superficial." It is so true and I have to keep reminding myself that when things don't work out. Honestly I'm just ready to go on the honeymoon!!!