Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away!!

Only 4 days left. What can I say but blah! It rained on Marlon and Merany's wedding but they were smart and had theirs INSIDE! It was soooo beautiful, I can only hope and pray that ours will be that wonderful. It's hard to stay positive when there is still lots to do and I am surrounded by meteoroligists. Little by little my ideas are being chipped away almost to the point where I don't care what happens anymore. I know what's important and that's all that matters. If it rains and no one shows up, I guess we'll have left over bbq til Thanksgiving. I have tents, a car port and a big porch, if that doesn't help I don't know what will!

1 comment:

  1. Rain is supposed to be lucky. Personally I feel that rain is just wet. I'll pray for a dry wedding day for you. If anything maybe you two will end up Tubing and taking vows!! (^_^)
