Sunday, August 1, 2010

This is gonna be fun!

So I only have 2 months to plan this wedding!! I've planned a few parties before but this wedding is going to be a big challenge. Yet, at the same time it seems to be unfolding with little effort (especially on my fiance's part^^). As if I don't have much else to do, I've decided to make a blog about it all! The whole purpose for it really is just to share my experience with anyone who finds my life some what interesting and to share the story of me and my brains (jesus). We have been through alot since the very beginning of our relationship and now we are finally getting married!! I never thought this would happen for me but I should have known since I am marrying my prince charming! I'll try my best to keep everything from now on, about my wedding, posted so that you can watch it come together and I can come back here to enjoy it all over again. :) For now I'm going to stop here and get some rest to prepare for week 1 of the 2 month adventure! Good night and God Bless!

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